Your Points for King MIdAS

Thinking about the key properties of Games and Collaborating Software,

  1. Multiuser
  2. Interactivity
  3. Animation
  4. Simulation

i.e. MIdAS = Multiuser capable Interactivity driven Animation and Simulation.

Please distribute your 15 Points, e.g.

  1. M = 5 P.
  2. I = 4 P.
  3. A = 4 P.
  4. S = 2 P.

Please write to the comments

Yours Christoph

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1 Responses to Your Points for King MIdAS

  1. Yeti says:

    1. M = 4 P.
    2. I = 4 P.
    3. A = 4 P.
    4. S = 3 P.
    Greetinx Christoph V.


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